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I love it

I recommended your game in my yoututbe video. I just noticed I said the name wrong sorry about that. It was really nice playing it. <3

Yeah, I saw your video while playing good morning an saw this game and you called it gachapot and i searched the game so many time but finally saw it in my recommened games. But you give so good game suggestions, so thanks

Sorry about that I was typing the titles out of my head so I made a mistake. I'm glad you found the game after all! <3


this game is so cute! i've never had the chance to use a gacha machine before, but I feel like this is the closest I'll get before visiting Japan! Awesome!


Nice game <3


Feels like it's consciously conspiring against both my time and hypothetical wallet. Truly an authentic Gacha experience, 10/10.


such a cute game! <3





Great Game Zhiming Chen and Jewell Popp! It was a very cozy game and I enjoyed playing it a lot!
(1 edit)

Cute  game

played gatcha on stream. was pretty good! i lost all my money!
and i thought i'd get lucky, but i got the Death in the Family game pod bean.


Thanks for the game! The "Got Through Rehab" image and description appears in both the $2 and $3 section. I think the one in the $2 section was supposed to be the "Tried Drugs" one instead.

is this a horror game?

I ran out of $1 gachas with only $1 left and now I can't proceed.


you can refresh the page/close the app to reset! it doesn't delete your progress :]


Thank you!!


np :]


Same here :((( Otherwise i really enjoyed it! It's relaxing but also fun, you can create your own version of the story in your head :)


Great game, but there is a bug where Rehab is marked as the $2 and $3 under the collection


I might have gotten stuck because of the error of a 3$ one being in the 2$ section, but i still finished the game in under an hour :D (45 mins). Fun game, But it was kind of frustrating getting the thing i needed in the last round. ToT


I love the game! but i experienced a problem when i wiped out the 1$ one i only had a dollar left and i couldn't get past it.

All you have to do is click a few years later after you spend your last dollar or you can refresh the page


i finally collected them all after 4 dang hours


it took me a min to figure out what I was doing but once I did I couldn't put it down lmao. v cute and relaxing artstyle too :3 I'd love to see a longer version where you can collect all in one playthrough tbh!!


I did it I collected them all



This was a lovely game, and it was fun trying to figure out how to collect them all. Thank you for making this!


it's sad how you can't collect EVERYTHING without having to play again. if it was possible, i would totally do it.

(1 edit) (+10)

> get myopia

> get called weird

> lie in bed and feel like crap

hits a little too close to home

10/10 would recommend


I'm really addicted to this

But I wish the time would be unlimited


so i guess you could call this...Gacha Life?



Very nice :)


I dont get it but its fun lol:)


very cute art style and creative concept. even if i didn't get to see my character's actual life, i got attached to it from the little fragments of their life and experiences i see via the gachapon capsules... was very much pleased when i got them all. thank you for your hard work on this game.


This is a really addicting calming game lol, it feels like an actual gacha like game because I keep on wanting to spend more on it lol. The funny lil descriptions and the images are so nice, I might replay this game more because I want to complete the dang set. What a true to life gacha game this is...

Pq não tem pra Android?:(


i love the game someone should make a game with more prizes or gatchas it would be realy fun


hey, It seems when you have$1 left but you got all the $1 gacha you get softlocked. I don't know if I'm just dumb, or if this is an actual problem. If its a true problem, maybe have that extra money be allowed to be transferred to the next round of money.


Yep, the same happens to me!



just as infuriating as a real gachapon! /j 

really though, i adore this game :) im having a hard time getting 3 of the items as im typing this, but i love the theme of this, the style of it, and the functions of the actual game! 


how do u play the game asking for a friend




very cute art


cute and peaceful game :) it is like going back to childhood :)


So cute I really like the little gacha toys I get :D <3

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